Channel 5 Interview | Channel 5’s Alexandra Koehn interviews Thom on enhancements and changes coming to our West Meade neighborhood and the alliances that have formed. Click and learn more.
Channel 5 Interview | "For our public high schools, I worked alongside Metro staff, government leaders, and other business leaders to establish The Academies of Nashville: a nationally recognized, project-based, experiential learning initiative. Today, 350 businesses partner with Academies in all our zoned high schools, offering students mentorships, internships, and externships." Click and learn more.
District 23 Beautification Team
I am Patricia Knight, Chair of the District 23 Beautification Team.
Our Team is working with the Metro Beautification & Environment Commission to bring together new and established neighbors for the common purpose of maintaining and enhancing our neighborhood through beautification and awareness initiatives.
The District 23 Beautification Team will not replace any existing groups or plans. It will support, supplement, share resources, and — where appropriate — set up new initiatives in partnership with neighborhood associations. Some of those initiatives in which we will need input, leadership, and volunteers include:
Organizing a Fall Plant & Seed Swap
Establishing a recurring District 23 Business Beautification Award.
Marshaling our collective skills for a Spring Open Garden Event to showcase our beautiful backyards,
Engaging our neighborhood Master Gardeners to educate us novices,
Helping neighbors install pollinator gardens,
Adopting a street for continued cleanup and more.
Creating and installing neighborhood welcome signs at various entry points
The District 23 Beautification Team is looking for individuals who will commit to a commUNITY spirit and engage in active membership. The resources are here; our neighborhoods are rich in creativity, talent, tool proficiency — AND the desire to make a difference.
Sound like something you’d be willing to put your time and talents into?
Please contact me.
Patricia Knight, District 23 Beautification Team Chair
AND, please bookmark this page, we will update it and our facebook page periodically with news on events, links to useful resources, and community/neighborhood articles of interest.