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Channel 5 Interview | Channel 5’s Alexandra Koehn interviews Thom on enhancements and changes coming to our West Meade neighborhood and the alliances that have formed. Click and learn more.
Channel 5 Interview | "For our public high schools, I worked alongside Metro staff, government leaders, and other business leaders to establish The Academies of Nashville: a nationally recognized, project-based, experiential learning initiative. Today, 350 businesses partner with Academies in all our zoned high schools, offering students mentorships, internships, and externships." Click and learn more.

Please join Thom Druffel for coffee and conversation about local and city issues affecting District 23. He will be at Bruegger's Bagels, 5311 Harding Pike, the last Saturday of every month from 8:30-9:30 AM.
Thom wants to hear how you envision the future of District 23 should unfold.
Bruegger's Bagels
5311 Harding Pike
Last Saturday of every month
from 8:30-9:30 AM
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